Planning & Zoning Applications, Permits & Fees

A permit is required from the town prior starting your construction project, whether its a new house, the placement of a storage building or the installation of fence or driveway. Additional permits relating to home occupations, signs, conditional uses, temporary uses, and review of projects with the Historic Overlay District may be required. Please contact the town office prior to starting your project to make sure its in compliance with town regulations. You may contact the Planning and Zoning Department, Monday – Friday, during regular business hours with any questions you may have.
Planning & Zoning Fees A full listing of planning and zoning related fees can be found on the link below or within the Town Budget.
Zoning Permit Application This is the most common permit issued by the Planning and Zoning Department. This permit is required for any building and/or structure that is to be constructed, assembled, moved, enlarged structurally altered, placed or demolished. Common examples are new houses, additions, decks, fences, storage buildings and driveways. A zoning permit is also required when there is a change in use of the property, such as the property changing from a retail shop to a professional office. If there is any question as to whether your project would require a permit or not, please contact the Town Office and someone will help you.
Sign Permit Application This permit is required prior to the placement and/or construction of a any new signs. While there are some exceptions, its better to check with the Town Office prior to ordering or placing signs on your property. A full listing of regulations pertaining to signs can be found in Section 70-152 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Home Occupation Permit Application Home occupations are permitted in all zoning districts that permit residential uses. This type of use is intended to be carried out by a resident of the property with limitations on the intensity of the business on the residential property. No on-premises sale of merchandise is permitted. Additional regulations can be found in Section 70-137 of the Zoning Ordinance.
Conditional Use Permit Application This is a permit that is issued by the Town Council for uses that are not permitted by right as they have unusual characteristics or have characteristics that are sufficiently different from those of their surroundings. Conditional use permits are authorized in certain circumstances upon the review of location, site plan, compatibility with existing uses, effect on surrounding areas, and other factors. Additional conditions may be included by the Town Council to ensure the proposed use is in harmony with its immediate surroundings.
Temporary Use Permit Application Uses that are limited to a fixed period of time may qualify for this permit. Some examples include: carnivals, car shows, farmer’s markets, portable storage containers and construction trailers.
Rezoning Application This application is used when seeking to have property rezoned from one zoning district classification to another.
Site Plan Application Site plans are required for all new, renovated or enlarged buildings, structures or uses, excepting only single-family dwellings, two-family dwellings and duplex dwellings, unless waived by the zoning administrator. Additional regulations can be found in Article XVII of the Zoning Ordinance.
Subdivision Plat Information relating to what is required for various subdivision plats can be found in the Subdivision Ordinance.
Variance/Appeal Application This application is used to request a variance from the regulations of a particular zoning district or to appeal a decision made by the zoning administrator. Additional information concerning the Board of Zoning Appeals the application process can be found in Article XIX of the Zoning Ordinance.
Infrastructure Inspection Report This report is filled out by Town staff upon the completion of infrastructure (water/sewer connections, sidewalks, curb and gutter, fire hydrants, etc.) related to a particular project. Once all infrastructure has been approved by the Town, the report is sent to the Shenandoah County Building Inspections office. This report is required prior to a certificate of occupancy being approved.